Hey hey! We are so excited that you have agreed to be interviewed by us.
We just know you will be a source of inspiration for PhD students who might not be sure what they want to do after getting their PhDs, and other academics who are thinking about moving from tenure-track positions. We hope you enjoy taking a look back and reflecting on your journey with us.
On this page, you’ll find information about what we will need from you, our agreement terms and conditions, and all kinds of resources you might find useful if you want to promote your interview! 🙂
If you run into a question we didn’t answer, email us at hello@unleashyourphd.com.
So an interview sounds fun and all, buuuut what exactly are we going to ask you? Do we need anything else? Let’s chat about it! Our goal is to make this all as easy as humanly possible so we can all have a blast while helping loads of people who are in the process of building their careers beyond academia.
To make it easier for everyone, we have recorded some questions for you, and we would like you to answer them on video. We decided to structure this asynchronously so we can eliminate the back and forth of scheduling time in everyone’s calendar – you can answer the questions any time you want! Also, we want to tell YOUR story, and focus on YOU, not on the questions being asked! Does that sound good?
So, the whole process is super easy. You don’t need to download anything – the interview link works straight on your browser window.
On the first page, we will ask for:
▣ Name
▣ Email
▣ Bio (up to 100 words)
▣ Square headshot (at least 500px by 500px)
Then you’ll get to your interview! You will be asked 7 questions in total. They are:
(1) Introduce yourself: Please tell us your name and your academic background (including what your PhD was about)
(2) Describe your career after your PhD until now?
(3) What is your current job title? What do you actually do? What do you like about your job?
(4) Could you describe what a typical working day looks like for you?
(5) How did you find this job?
(6) Any words of advice for someone who wants to do what you are doing now?
(7) Where can people connect with you (websites, social media profiles etc)?
Each question is presented to you in a separate screen, and you have to answer them in order – you cannot skip forward and then go back, and you can only move on to the next question after answering the current one.
However, you do have the option to record yourself as you go through the interview OR upload previously recorded videos. So if you would like, you can record videos of yourself answering these questions in advance, and then just submit the videos through the website.
Please note: if you are recording your videos on your phone, please make sure your videos are in horizontal format (so hold your phone sideways!).
That’s it! Easy peasy!
We know this sounds pretty obvious, but… by submitting your interview, you are agreeing to let us use your photo and videos. And we just want to make sure you’re cool with that. Please read below for a formal detailed description of what this entails.
The information you submit to us, including your name, bio, photos, social media handles and website address will be used for marketing activities including (but not limited to) publications, promotions or showcase of program on our website and social media, and similar purposes. We will make edits for clarity and length, as needed and in our sole discretion. You may request copies of all materials for your own use.
Your interview is a video recording. By submission of your interview, you represent that it is your original content and that it does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties. Notwithstanding the usage rights granted herein, we reserve the right to make edits and to distribute the interview and any related materials that you provide to us in free or paid products in the future. You will always be credited for your interview and a link to your website will be provided.
We ask that you do not wear or display any third party logos or trademarks during your interview as we will not have the license to display those logos or trademarks. Wearing or displaying a logo of a business you own yourself is permissible (i.e., wearing a branded shirt, displaying a branded mug on your desk).
You agree to hold Unleash Your PhD and anyone involved with it harmless from all claims, losses, expenses, and liabilities of every kind arising out of breach of any part of this agreement and any notices of infringement concerning your presentation or materials included in the interview. You release Unleash Your PhD and anyone involved with it from any and all claim arising out of the use of the material.
We will let you know when your interview is published, and we would love it if you could tell your audience about it. We are sure they would love to hear more about your story!
You’ll find swipe copy and graphics in this link that you can use if you would like. [COMING SOON!]
Ready for your interview? Awesome! 🙂